How to Start a Merchant Services Company?

Shaw Merchant Group
7 min readMar 31, 2024


Click Here: Best ISO Agent Program

Starting a merchant services company can be a lucrative business opportunity for those looking to enter the financial services industry. Merchant services companies provide businesses with the ability to accept credit and debit card payments, as well as other forms of electronic payments. With the rise of e-commerce and the increasing digitalization of payments, the demand for merchant services is only expected to grow in the coming years.

If you’re interested in starting a merchant services company, there are a few key steps you’ll need to take in order to get your business off the ground. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about starting a merchant services company, from choosing a business model to marketing your services and everything in between.

1. Understand the Industry

Before you can start a merchant services company, it’s important to have a solid understanding of the industry and how it works. Merchant services companies act as intermediaries between businesses and payment processors, facilitating transactions and ensuring that merchants are able to accept a wide range of payment methods. There are several key players in the industry, including payment processors, merchant account providers, and ISOs (Independent Sales Organizations).

Payment processors are companies that handle the processing of transactions, while merchant account providers are responsible for setting up and managing merchant accounts. ISOs are independent sales organizations that work with payment processors to sell their services to merchants. As a merchant services company, you’ll likely be working with all of these entities in order to provide comprehensive payment solutions to your clients.

2. Choose a Business Model

There are several different business models you can choose from when starting a merchant services company. Some companies choose to operate as white label payment gateway providers, offering their services under their own brand name. Others may decide to become payment gateway resellers, working with established payment processors to resell their services to merchants. You could also consider becoming a payment service provider, offering a range of payment processing solutions to your clients.

Another option is to become a Registered ISO (Independent Sales Organization) or a Credit Card Processing ISO. This involves partnering with a payment processor to sell their services to merchants under your own brand name. Becoming an ISO can be a lucrative opportunity, as you’ll be able to earn a percentage of the transaction fees generated by the merchants you sign up.

3. Research the Competition

Before you start a merchant services company, it’s important to research the competition in your area. Take a look at other merchant services companies operating in your region, as well as any national companies that may be offering services in your area. Pay attention to the types of services they offer, their pricing, and their target market. This will help you identify any gaps in the market that you can exploit, as well as give you a better understanding of how to differentiate your business from the competition.

Some established merchant services companies you may want to research include North American Bancard, Shaw Merchant Group, and PayProTec. These companies offer a range of services to merchants, including credit card processing, payment gateway solutions, and POS systems. By studying their business models and marketing strategies, you can gain valuable insights into how to position your own company for success.

4. Develop a Business Plan

Once you have a solid understanding of the industry and the competition, it’s time to develop a comprehensive business plan for your merchant services company. Your business plan should outline your company’s mission and goals, as well as your target market and pricing strategy. It should also include a detailed analysis of your startup costs, revenue projections, and marketing plan.

When developing your business plan, be sure to consider the specific services you will be offering to your clients. This could include credit card processing, payment gateway solutions, POS systems, and other financial services. You’ll also need to decide whether you will be targeting specific industries or offering your services to a more general market.

5. Obtain the Necessary Licenses and Certifications

Before you can start operating as a merchant services company, you’ll need to obtain the necessary licenses and certifications. In the United States, this typically involves becoming a Registered ISO (Independent Sales Organization) or an ISO Agent. This requires registering with the major credit card associations, such as Visa and Mastercard, and complying with their rules and regulations.

In addition to becoming a Registered ISO, you may also need to obtain other licenses and certifications, depending on the specific services you will be offering. For example, if you plan to offer payment gateway solutions, you may need to become a white label payment service provider. Be sure to research the legal requirements in your area and ensure that you have all the necessary licenses and certifications before you start operating.

6. Set Up Your Merchant Accounts and Payment Processing Solutions

Once you have obtained the necessary licenses and certifications, it’s time to set up your merchant accounts and payment processing solutions. This involves partnering with a payment processor to provide your clients with the ability to accept credit and debit card payments. You’ll also need to set up a merchant account provider to handle the day-to-day management of your clients’ accounts.

When choosing a payment processor, be sure to select a company that offers reliable service, competitive rates, and a range of payment processing solutions. You’ll also need to set up secure payment gateway solutions to ensure that your clients’ transactions are processed securely and efficiently. Consider working with a white label payment gateway provider to offer branded solutions to your clients.

7. Develop a Marketing Strategy

With your merchant accounts and payment processing solutions in place, it’s time to develop a comprehensive marketing strategy to attract clients to your business. This could include online marketing efforts, such as search engine optimization (SEO) and social media advertising, as well as offline strategies, such as direct mail campaigns and networking events.

When marketing your merchant services company, be sure to highlight the benefits of working with your company, such as competitive rates, reliable service, and customized solutions. Consider offering special promotions or discounts to new clients to attract their business. You may also want to consider partnering with other businesses, such as POS system providers or e-commerce platforms, to expand your reach and attract new clients.

8. Provide Exceptional Customer Service

In the merchant services industry, providing exceptional customer service is key to retaining clients and building a successful business. Be sure to respond promptly to client inquiries and resolve any issues they may have in a timely manner. Consider offering training and support to help your clients get the most out of their payment processing solutions.

By providing exceptional customer service, you can build a loyal client base and attract referrals from satisfied clients. Consider setting up a customer loyalty program to reward repeat business and encourage clients to refer their friends and colleagues to your business. By prioritizing customer service, you can differentiate your merchant services company from the competition and position yourself as a trusted partner for businesses of all sizes.

9. Evaluate Your Progress and Make Adjustments

As you grow your merchant services company, it’s important to regularly evaluate your progress and make adjustments as needed. Monitor your revenue and expenses closely to ensure that your business remains profitable. Consider conducting regular surveys or client feedback sessions to gather input on how you can improve your services.

Be open to feedback and willing to make changes to your business model or marketing strategy based on the results of your evaluations. Stay up-to-date on industry trends and developments to ensure that your business remains competitive in the ever-evolving merchant services industry. By being proactive and adaptable, you can position your merchant services company for long-term success.

10. Conclusion

Starting a merchant services company can be a challenging but rewarding endeavor. By understanding the industry, choosing the right business model, and developing a comprehensive business plan, you can set yourself up for success. With careful planning, hard work, and a dedication to providing exceptional customer service, you can build a thriving merchant services company that offers valuable payment processing solutions to businesses of all sizes. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can start a merchant services company that stands out from the competition and attracts a loyal client base.



Shaw Merchant Group

At Shaw Merchant Group we specialize in merchant services agent and ISO development. We are a group of experienced payment processing industry professionals.