Best FREE Point of Sale System for Small Businesses

Shaw Merchant Group


#1 Rated POS System for Small Businesses

What’s so great about the PA PAX E700 Smart POS+? Well, just about everything, but there are some main features that make it perfect for a business that’s just getting started or that needs to finally get organized:

Easy to Use

Not a computer wiz? Why would you need to be? You’re in the café business after all! If tech support is something you simply don’t want to deal with (or pay an arm and a leg for), then this is the kind of POS you want at your restaurant. It is extremely easy to set up and includes a wizard that will do all of the heavy lifting and help you to get started. Updating can also be a hassle with most modern operating systems, but you won’t have to worry about that with the PayAnywhere Smart POS+. It takes care of the updates automatically so you don’t have to fiddle with anything to get the latest security features installed.


Your business is unique, so the interface on your point of sale system should be, too. Luckily, the software that runs on these machines is very modular and you can add or remove elements from the screen easily at your leisure. This means that if you have a very simple menu, you don’t have to suffer from an overly-busy screen if you don’t want to. It also means that you can use trial and error to determine what kind of interface is most efficient for you and your employees.

Advanced Technology

You want the most advanced software for your store, and thats exactly what this POS is running. The system is cloud-based, so you’ll have the convenience of being able to keep an eye on sales and other figures whether you’re at your coffee house location or need to step out to address your latest emergency. If you lose Internet access for any reason, though, don’t worry: this system is still capable of storing information locally, and it will sync with the cloud as soon as you’re re-connected, so you’ll have the best of both worlds. This POS is also capable of taking several different payment methods, including cash, credit card, and Apple Pay, so you’ll never have to lose a sale simply due to an inability to take your customer’s money.

Great Hardware Overall

This is a very modern, very sleek and well-designed free POS system that you’ll be proud to have sitting on your counter-top. Unlike the old, bulky registers of yore, this system is thin and easily portable, and uses and extremely intuitive touch interface. The screen even twists around to face your customer so that they can sign off during a credit transaction, and it’s just as easy to read and comprehend for them as it is for your employees as it mirrors the mobile interfaces that most of your customers will already be used to. The screen is just about the size of a large tablet at over 13”, so it’s certainly big enough to to comfortably use, but not so big that it takes over your counter space. Don’t worry about keeping your customers waiting, either, since this system is really fast. It uses a flash storage system rather than the old style of hard drive, so all of your orders can be taken and stored quickly.

Great Support

As mentioned, the interface is extremely easy to use, but as with any kind of technology things can certainly go wrong. If you find that you need tech support, the company will provide it 24-hours a day, 7 days a week, so you never have to worry about being caught in a tight spot because they are always there to help. Another nice aspect of their support is that if your equipment ever actually physically breaks, they will replace it for you for free.

Low Cost

Shaw Merchant Group offers a few different solutions, but the PayAnywhere Smart POS+ is the best value. It’s one of their cheapest, costing only a small monthly fee (currently less than 40 dollars) to serve a small company with a few employees. Best of all, there is no upfront cost. For just a bit of pocket change practically, you can be up and running immediately, using some of the most advanced POS technology. There are many costs to not organizing your business properly, and considering how much this POS could save you in terms of time and labor, it will pay for itself many times over. So if you’re looking for a POS that can serve you and your customers at your coffee shop, the PayAnywhere Smart POS+ is certainly one of the simplest, easiest, and cheapest options out there.



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